Thursday, March 20, 2008

Barack Obama is the New Black

Well, now that the race speech has garnered lots of attention and praise, I guess it's time to write this entry.

Over a month ago, I spoke with a couple of friends/writers on this blog about whether or not Obama is the New Black or Barack is the New Black or Barack Obama is the New Black was at all racist. I was slightly concerned, being a white male that it would be considered such, but my friends were less hesitation (both white women). The statement is so layered in my opinion and I think with Obama's race speech, the boundaries have been broken.

Low and behold, two weeks after I had the discussion and checked to see if the domain names were taken (all of which were on that date, Feb 15), a girl from NYC and The Upright Citizen's Brigade has snatched up Obama is the New Black. The problem is that her blog isn't very thorough and only thrives on the phrase, rather than Obama as a presidential candidate.

Maybe we could join forces?

Luckily, we have secured Barack is the New Black and Barack Obama is the New Black with hopes of paralleling these with All Things Obama 2008. The blogs are set up and feed back would be fantastic on what these should include.

I want to do All Things Obama 2008 shirts or possibly Barack is the New Black shirts (or a combo of the two) but would love input. The above design was a quick 10 minute thing using the same logo as the blog, but not a final design at all. I have some ideas, but again the race line is hard to cross, or not cross. Luckily, our country is moving forward with Obama this close to the presidency.

conversation from Feb 15:

me: i like that barack is pointing at them

4:35 PM ha
so i have this idea
them: I like ideas
me: i can't decide if it's racist of not
i think it might be racist
them: phonetically I like the first one better
me: or people may see it as such
4:36 PM yeah me too
them: I don't really think it is
me: maybe i should just grab it
and keep asking
them: the only problem I see with it is that you are not black
me: exactly


Anonymous said...

Hi Jedidiah~
Thanks for the shout-out of - Good luck with your site! I don't know about joining forces - as you said my blog isn't really a thorough "what's happening in politics" blog as yours seems to be but more of what's going on that I can put my humorous twist on. I will definitely keep checking out your blog - also just an fyi, you should check out before printing the slogan shirts.
Cheers! Elizabeth

The Original Girl You Hate said...
